Sometimes the U.S. and her politicians have been accused of having double standards, say one thing and do the other, worse hiding the truth. A short documentary video on Youtube by Dr. Rhawn Joseph raise a serious question whether the U.S. had dealt the surrender of Japan and its occupation with high moral standard and ethics. Specifically, Dr. Joseph questions what happened to the $100 billion worth of treasure which was looted by the Japanese Imperial Army during the war? Did the U.S. make an unethical deal with Japan to protect the Japanese Emperor from war crime prosecution in exchange for some secrets, such as the treasure that was sunk in the Tokyo Bay or hidden elsewhere? Why Japan persistently denies her war crimes and the U.S. stays mute as a bystander? This article raises many more questions and urges Americans to find out the truth for the sake of healing war wounds and holding Justice.
A seventeen minute video ( is available on Youtube featuring an interview of Dr. Rhawn Joseph, Director and Producer of Rape of Nanjing. The video is entitled, Hirohito & Asia’s Stolen Treasures (Why the World Forgot the Rape of Nanjing & Japanese Atrocities). As a Chinese American born during the WW II, I do not particularly like to watch this kind of videos containing horrible images. I would get very upset by the cruelty and atrocities the Japanese Imperial Army committed during the war. I would rather forget the sad past though I do wish Japan would (like Germany) come forward openly and sincerely admitting her war crimes, apologizing to the victims and asking for forgiveness. I believe that ‘to forgive and then forget’ would be the best medicine to cure the terrible historical wounds inflicted by the Japanese war criminals. But this video’s subtitle, ‘Why’ (the World Forgot the Rape of Nanjing & Japanese Atrocities), caught my attention. I sure want to understand the ‘why’ and hope to find an answer to why Japan has persistently refused to accept the responsibility of the war atrocities and to apology to the world (Asians and American WW II veterans) seeking forgiveness.; Doesn’t this matter to Japan and matter to Japanese conscience? I chose to watch the video.
The horrible crime images shown in the video were very disturbing; I had to make an effort to block them off my mind. However, the central message that the U.S. was responsible for being lenient to Japan from covering up her war crimes, protecting her commander-in-chief Emperor Hirohito, and changing Japan’s international image with post war PR work, not for the reason we were led to believe (feel sorry for Japan because we’d dropped the atomic bomb on her) but for a different reason so evil, deceitful, and shameful that we Americans should have the right to know exactly what is the truth. There is no excuse for hiding the truth especially for healing the war wounds and upholding the justice and honor for the American veterans died for WW II plus their families, descendents and millions of American children - to have a clear conscience regarding WW II and the US-Japan relations..
Dr. Joseph is a neuropsychologist and writer with interest in brains, origin of life and cosmology. Although many scientific publications are attributed to his name, very little biographic data is available in the public media. Based on, Dr. Joseph obtained his PhD from Chicago Medical School and completed his training at Yale University in the Department of Neurology and Neuropsychology. Dr. Joseph has aroused some controversy from his view on the origin of life and his claim of alien life existed on Mars blaming NASA for burying it. Perhaps because of his controversial character, the above video available in the organic medium never entered the mainstream. However, Dr. Joseph’s principal claim is that General McArthur was fully aware of the war crimes committed by Imperial Japan under the command of Emperor Hirohito but made an immoral and unethical deal with Japan to protect Hirohito from prosecution in exchange for certain secrets from Japan. One of the secrets is the loot of treasures (of the order of $100 Billion) taken from many of the Asian countries; some were brought back to Japan, some were deliberately sunk in the Tokyo bay for lack of time of hiding it and some were hidden in the country they were looted from or shipped to. Dr. Joseph’s claim could be corroborated with other claims, for example, tons of construction wood and coal were hidden in the mountains in Taiwan before the Japanese Imperial army surrendered. Other secrets charged by the Chinese were the files of biological weapon experiments performed on Chinese civilians and soldiers including American prisoners of war.
Secret deals in current foreign affairs are often protected from public knowledge in the name of national security, a reasonable excuse. However, when time passes, those secrets should be revealed to the public especially when justice is at stake. Americans have the right to know what happened to the billions of gold, diamonds and valuables the Japanese Imperial Army looted from everywhere under the command of the Emperor? Were they divided up secretly? Was part of the treasures given to the unprosecuted war criminals in the name of restoring Japan’s economy (Dr. Joseph claims that is the reason Japan could recover from the war faster than all other Asian countries)? Did the U.S. receive part of that treasure and how was it spent? These questions matter not in the domain of national security but in the domain of justice and ethics.
What happened to the secret files of the Japanese biological weapon development and bacteria experiments on human? Why is the Japanese Imperial Army unit 731responsible for the deadly bio warfare work completely immune from prosecution from the war tribunal court? Why was the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito, the real commander-in-chief of the Japanese aggression, completely free from prosecution? What were the secret agreements made between the U.S. and Japan for helping Japan to recover from WW II? Despite of mountains of evidence showing the cruelty and atrocities committed by the Japanese on Nanjing Massacre (and many massacres that followed under the order of the commander to – “kill all, loot all and burn all”), sex slavery (Japanese call it the comfort women program necessary for military morale), and human biological experiments, Japan constantly denies them and the U.S. keeps very quiet as a bystander? Why the U.S. as the standard bearer of freedom and justice for the world has always been mute when comes to Japanese war crimes? Why weren’t there any significant war reparation demands for Japan to compensate the damages caused in many Asian countries? These are not just curiosity questions; the American people have the right to know the truth.
The U.S. was the occupier of Japan and the Philippines post WW II, but the U.S. (at least General MacArthur) did seem to treat Japan, the culprit of WW II in Asia, better than the Philippines and other Asian regions. It is reasonable to have alliances with Japan, Korea and the Philippines against the Soviet communist bloc, but it was not at all logical to favor Japan over the other Asian countries especially when there was no clear definite enemy target in Asia threatening the U.S. at that time. Japan was a strong economy and competed, in many ways along with other Asian countries, with the U.S., so with Japan’s aggressive militant track record towards her neighbors why was the U.S. picking Japan as the favored ally in Asia? When the U.S. offered the administrative rights of the Liuqiu (Okinawa) Islands and the Diaoyu Islands to Japan , it was puzzling to many Asian countries.
We, Americans, freedom lover and justice holder, must know the truth what actually happened seven decades ago; only the truth can keep the U.S. on the side of justice crushing the image of a country with double standard. We have the obligation to bring the organic media to the mainstream to serve the justice.